
Fraser Park Primary School facilitates learning across seven curriculum areas:

  • The Arts
  • English
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Mathematics
  • HASS
  • Science
  • Technology

Parents are provided with mid-year and end-of-year summative reports on their child’s achievements across each of these curriculum areas.


As part of Fraser Park’s strong commitment to learning Physical Education, children attend swimming lessons in Term 1, week 4.

Lessons are conducted at the Murray Bridge Swimming Centre over a one-week period.

Signed consent forms, along with bus fares must be returned/paid to the school prior to the activity to enable children’s participation.

Visit curriculum in South Australia for more information.

Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum

The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) is required for all children and young people in our school. It’s taught each year by teachers who have completed a full-day KS:CPC training course.  

It teaches children to: 

  • recognise abuse and tell a trusted adult about it 
  • understand what touching is appropriate and inappropriate  
  • understand ways of keeping themselves safe. 

Visit Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum information for parents and carers for more information.